More Club Features

Create your private poker club today!

New Club Features

Last month we launched the beta version of our private poker club platform exclusive to Plus Members. Poker Now Clubs gives you the ability to set up a private online poker club. It’s your own private club under lock and key! 

We’ve added a bunch of new features and next week we plan to add multi-table tournaments to the club platform! PLUS members can click here to create a club!


  • Ability to edit ALL game settings (Showdown and Decision Times, Time banks, etc)

  • Ability to set a “Rathole Time” (prevent people from leaving a table and buying in with less chips)

  • Ability to “Add On” to your stack during game play

  • Ability to set Min and Max Buy-Ins for your tables

  • Ability to use custom felts on your tables

  • Create “Presets” for your game configurations to make it easy to create new tables with same configurations

  • Ability to create multiple blind levels

  • Ability to “pause” and “restart” games

  • Ability to set players at a table to “away” or even remove a player from the table

  • Create a custom “Home / Landing Page” for your club

  • Allow all members to see the ledger in your club

  • Ability to “Reset to Zero” at the end of a club season

No more tracking player performance on spreadsheets. No more sending out links to single tables.  No more playing within the confines of a system for the masses. Your private poker room experience has arrived…

Poker Now

More about clubs…

During our beta testing period the ability to create a club will be limited to Plus members. Any Poker Now member can JOIN a club as long as they are invited and approved by a Poker Now Plus Club owner.

Club owners can customize game play on each table.

How to create a club:

  1. Visit the Clubs home page.

  2. Click the + button

  3. Create a custom club URL.

  4. Choose a unique name for your private club

  5. Create a custom description for your club

Before you invite your friends consider uploading your own club logo or even posting your club rules!

A look at live tables in a Poker Now Club.


  • Reserve a unique name for your club

  • Reserve a custom club URL

  • Upload a custom club logo

  • Set club rules

  • Easily invite members and control access

  • View a live ledger / leaderboard

  • Control each players’ balance and credit options

  • Track each members’ performance and account balances

  • Post private club announcements

  • Create, maintain and manage a variety of live table games

  • Maintain custom game settings for each live table

  • A mobile first design

Your private poker room experience has arrived!

Remember, the ability to create a private club will initially be exclusive to Poker Now Plus members. During this trial period Plus members will have the ability to create two free clubs with up to 10 members in each. ANYONE can join a club as long as they are invited.